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Watching the detectives

Easytrak Diving
5th November, 2008 | 1 minute read
By Hollie Moran, Sales and Marketing Manager

With sales and marketing experience across the offshore and maritime industries, Hollie is a natural fit for the role of sales and marketing manager at aae technologies, which she started in 2019.

Applied Acoustics have recently returned from a police diving conference where the latest equipment and techniques for policing maritime operations were discussed. Gavin Willoughby, Sales Manager, gave a presentation about Easytrak, the underwater tracking system which can provide police diving teams with vital underwater location information.
Easytrak is used to plot targets, plan the route to a specific seabed or lake location of interest while the divers’ path is monitored on shore or on a vessel above in real-time. Gavin explained, “Underwater dive operations are fraught with difficulty and one of the biggest challenges is knowing where you are, where you’re going and where you’ve been. With Easytrak on the team it’s possible to save a lot of time during a search – plus your colleagues know exactly where you are, so it adds to your safety.”

Easytrak Diving

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